ez az oldal mindennel fog foglalkozni

filmek,torténetek és minden más lesznek itt:filmek,idézetek,kvizek stb. de ehhez egy kis ido kell mert még buta vagyok ebben az oldalban nem nagyon értem de azért értem


(Kate Alexa énekli)

I'm no ordinary girl

I've got a special power that I'm not afraid to use.

So come on this is my adventure and this is my fantasy, it's all about living in the ocean, being wild and free.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl. I'm from the deep blue underworld, land or sea I've got the power if I just believe.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl. I'm from the deep blue underworld, land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl. No ordinary girl.

We've got to stick together, cause the best things come in three, want it to last for ever, all the magic and fun at sea,

so come on this is our adventure, there's no telling were we'll go, and all i want is just to live amongst the H2O!

Coz I'm no ordinary girl. I'm from the deep blue underworld, land or sea I've got the power if I just believe.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl. I'm from the deep blue underworld, land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl. No ordinary girl.

Come along it just gets better, so much to do and just so little time, cause it all depends on whether, you want to live and learn of whats behind.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl. I'm from the deep blue underworld, land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl. No ordinary girl.


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Mai: 163
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Össz.: 130 841

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