ez az oldal mindennel fog foglalkozni

filmek,torténetek és minden más lesznek itt:filmek,idézetek,kvizek stb. de ehhez egy kis ido kell mert még buta vagyok ebben az oldalban nem nagyon értem de azért értem

One was or wasn't, ki knows, egy big-big erdő, where egy Little Red, egy granny andegy Wolf lived. Grannynek volt appendicitis and Little Red gondolta,that meg kéne visitelni her. So-so Little Red took a kosár, and tettbele bread etc., and elinduled to granny's house. In útköz Little Redtalálkozed with the wolf.- Where are te going, beautiful Little Red? - he asked.- To Granny. - válaszoled she.Wolf's gyomor started korogni for Granny and Little Red.- Te, Little Red, szedjél Grannynek these ibolyát and these hóvirág, azösszesen húsz flowers, she biztosan will be happy - he said es withfénysebesség went away to granny's house. He tought:" I will hammgranny first and wait for Little Red in her bungalow and eat her too."So-so nadjeszu Wolf quickly elshisted to granny and his eye kopoged azehsegtol. Aztan Wolf kopoged on the door. Egy hang asked:- Who is that?- It's me Little Red - feleled Wolf in Little Red's hang. Benn deathkaroppaned and granny came to open the door. Meg shem kerdezhette, "Meone?" Wolf mar ate her in egesz. Now, he thought, I will oltozni, mintgranny and wait for Little Red. But he elszunjokaled in the bed. LittleRed arrived not much kesobb and heared awful things from the house.About ilyeneket:- Krrrr....phsszs...grrrr.hrrrr...Little Red gondoled that granny very-very beteg lehet, she kopoged onthe door. Now the wolf felebreded.- Free - said egy rekedt hang bentrol, Little Red beleped.When she looked at granny, very frightened lett.- Oh my God, granny, you look awful.- Yes, I am very ill, you know my dear, because I am very old, my dear.- De granny, why do you have so big eyes?- I see you better now, my dear!- And granny, miert van neked balck hand?- Because I was dogloding under day.- And granny, why do you have olyan big szaj, mint Becs's Big Gate?- Hogy konnyebben kapjalak in! - said the Wolf and ate Little Red too.But his hash started going because he zabaled too much. His djomor wastelegram: majd mazsa weighed. Mivel itt very-very fajed, Wolf kezdettS.O.S signal singing. The vadasz of the erdo heard it and shieted tohelp. He beronted into thehouse and saw the wolf fetreng. The vadasz took a good elesh kes andfolvaged the hash of the wolf. And there were Little Red and grannyagain! They megoleled egymast, then helped the vadasz kovek varrni intothe hash of the Wolf. Once, when the wolf went to the patak to drink,he csuszed into it and szegeny bele is doglett.







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